The project: „Doors to the Future, for unprivileged children” is an art project for children with a migration background in Berlin. The project is a part of an international humanitarian aid project of the artist Karl Küffel. The implementation of the project is expected to take on 11.10, 18:10 and on 25.10.2014 in the premises of UIZ Seydelstraße 15 in 10117 Berlin. The closing ceremony, of the finished doors will take place at the same address on 01.11. 2014.

Concrete procedure of the project is the painting of doors by children. In a time frame of about 4 weeks the doors are decorated artistically and freely in a group of about seven to ten children. The children are responsible for the artistic interpretation by the means of writing and painting is responsible. Wishes for the future but also present fears and desires are thus defined and transferred by the children artistically free on the doors. Only the participating children are placed on the foreground, they are simultaneously performers and artists. During the active phase of the project, the entire process will be documented per Video recording. After completion of the designing of the doors they are firstly presented in a solo exhibition. Subsequently, the newly designed doors are combined with the already existing from different nations and presented in a large art show in front of a huge audience.

In addition, the exhibition also includes the creation of video and thus informs about the process of creation. According to the meta-level to this installation from children for children, regardless of ethnic origin, cultural orientation and religion or to a higher-level understanding and thus become a mainstay of humanitarian trade. Through artistic work, here people of the so-called first world are to be released from their desensitization and excited to humanitarian action. The project is designed and financially supported by the international working artist Karl Küffel. Küffel sees himself as a contemporary, humanistic and as a visual artist. In 2013 Küffel led the first time together a project with the gallery owner, Aldo Castillo from the United States of America in Nicaragua. 12 children from Nicaragua had thereby a golden opportunity to earn a high school diploma after the joint project. More information about the artist Karl Küffel: